Design for Livin'!
by Morton Hull
Election of Mort Hull as president of the Dartmouth Club of Holyoke was reported under club notes in February MAGAZINE, and the news may have escaped some classmates. Mort is now widely recognized as the Sage of Holyoke, the Great Philosopher of the Connecticut Valley. Under the title Design for Living he distributes his best-known verse in printed form. Recently he wrote [Laurence M.] Symmes:
“I have just finished perusal of the February ALUMNI MAGAZINE, with especial concentration on the '08 notes. I find that each month I first turn to those notes, and then proceed to read the MAGAZINE thereon from stern to stem. It's time I testified to gratitude to you for devotion to the class in never failing to keep '08 on the record. "I enclose a little original sermonette that might prove appropriate for you to use in next month's notes. Perhaps some of the boys will read it and benefit thereby. I practice its philosophy and find it good for me, and by so doing it breeds happier contacts all along the line.”
Symmes to Hull:
“Thank you very much for your gracious note of January 31st. In the past few years the real credit for accumulating the 1908 notes goes to Art Rotch, although I do help a little now and then ….. ”
Me — Worry? No, Sirree!
For I'm the guy I live with, see!
Clulter up my dome wilh woes?
What's the good? Taint sense! I knows!
Each conscious day I just adore,
Plus mem'ries of the day before.
Tomorrow's sure to come in stride,
Without my bein' notified.
I keep happy at my chore,
And this or that, and a heap lot more;
Simply 'cause I've got no room
To nurse that loafer, Old Man Gloom.
Listen! You! Who fret and stew
Just live today and love it, too.
Every day's that way with me!
Me — Worry? No, Sirree!
by Morton Hull