Arthur Law's “The New Boy.”
It is many, many mouths since San Francisco

has had so bright and laughable a comedy at one of her theaters as “The New Boy,” Arthur Law's latest creation, is said to be, and which Mr. Frohman is to present at the New California for two weeks, beginning Monday night next. In New York the Standard Theater has been packed to the doors, as we read, ever since the play was first presented there. It was everywhere pronounced a huge and unqualified success. The British public, too, have stamped “The New Boy” with their approval, as is attested by the fact that it has been running for months past at the Vaudeville Theater, with Weedon Grossmlth, brother of the Inimitable George, in the title role. In the far away New South Wales, also, patrons of the Lyceum Theater in Sydney are laughing over the antics of “The New Boy.”
Mr. Frohman brings an excellent company to San Francisco to present the comedy, as he rightly considers it one of his most valuable attractions. “The New Boy,” like many farcical comedies. Is in three acts, but unlike, perhaps, the majority of farces, it gets better as the evening wears along, and in the third act is the best of all, winding up with a grand explanation of everything that has seemed mysterious, which is intensely funny in itself.
The part of Archibald Rennik, alias Freddy Boulder, who is the “new boy,” is a character not common to the American stage. It is safe to say that within a few years there will be very many imitations of it. Archibald Rennick by force of circumstances, is obliged to attend Dr. Candy's school, for boys, although he is full 30 years old and a married man. Almost every man has been to school in his time, and nearly every woman has had a brother or son who has attended a boy's academy, therefore the life which “Freddy” leads at Dr. Candy's may be easily imagined by every one. In the first place Dr. Candy puts the “new boy” in in the regular classes, and he is forced to occupy the same dormitory with Bullock Major, the bully of the school. This means a good deal of fun for Bullock, but torture in varying degrees for Freddy, as the latter puts it, "Bullock Major
ought to have lived in the sixteenth century when there was a premium offered to the inventor of novel methods of torture.” Finally Major induces his victim to enter a neighboring orchard and make away with some apples. This leads to the 30-year-old youngster's arrest on a charge of theft, and in order to clear himself he makes known his identity. Just previous to this be “makes himself solid” with Dr. Candy by saving from a disastrous financial deal with one of the characters in the play, Felix Roach. Dr. Candy forgives him after the astonishment of everybody in the play at the sensational announcement has subsided.
The company includes Fred Lotte, C. H. Truesdale, O. E. Hallam, Bert Coote, Charles Stoddart, J. Edwin Brown, Annie Alliston, Grace, George and Julia Kingsley.