The National EQual Rights Party of the United States, in Convention assembled at San Francisco, Cal., on the 23d of August, 1884, having unanimously nominated, for President of the Republic, Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, of the District of Columbia, one of the most able advocates of their principles, the friends of the cause should organize in every State in the Union, and put forth their best efforts to bring to the front Speakers and Canvassers for the dissemination of thes grand principles.
ORGANIZE AT ONCE by calling public meetings, polling the School Districts of your County, and have at least one Grand Ratification Meeting in each Congressional District. The appointment, by your State Convention, of the Presidential Electors, to cast their votes for Belva A. Lockwood, in the Electoral College which meets in Washington, in December, is of vital imporance.
Documents, information, and royal-size lithographs of the nominee can be had by addressing,
29 Broadway, New York City,
or, LURA M. ORMES, of Campaign Club,
619 F St., N. W. Washington, D.C.