Portrait Gallery

The Washington Times, January 27, 1937.

Page 16.


ALEXANDRIA, Va.. Jan. 27. Although City Attorney Carl Budwesky questioned whether trustees of the Friends Society have the authority to permit use of an abandoned Quaker cemetery here for a public library, city council last night approved a permanent contract, calling for a $5,000 yearly appropriation from the city for support of the institution.

The cemetery, located in the 700 block of Queen Street, has not been used as a burial ground for a number of years. It, however, does contain the remains of Dr. Elisha Cullen Dick, one of George Washington's physicians.

Under the contract approved last night, the government, rules and regulations of the public library are to be controlled by the Alexandria Library Association and city council.

The council waived building permit and inspection fees in issuing a permit for construction of the library building, to be erected by Dr. and Mrs. Robert South Barrett as a memorial to the late Dr. Kate Waller Barret. It will cost $15,000.

Library Fund Authorized, The Washington Times, January 27, 1937, Page 16. (PDF)
