Portrait Gallery

Washington Post, Dec. 2, 1937.

Page 25.

Tablet Dedicated To Physician of Gen. Washington

Journeying to Alexandria, members of the auxiliary of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, yesterday dedicated a memorial tablet to Dr. Elisha Cullen Dick. one of the physicians who attended George Washington in his Iast illness.

The tablet has been placed on west wall in the old Friends burying ground, on Queen steet.

Acceptance of the tablet was made by Mrs. Louis Scott. president of the Alexandria Library Association. Members of the Library Board present included Miss Beatrice Workman, Miss Alice Green, Miss Belle Green and Mrs. Robert Fox.

The dedication speech was made by Mrs. Thomas Neill, president of the Women's Auxiliary. Three past presidents, Mrs. Prentiss Miller, Mrs. Edward Monroe and Mrs. James Wall, attended the rites.

Tablet Dedicated To Physician of Gen. Washington, The Washington Post, Dec. 2, 1937, Page 25. (Financial Section) (PDF)
