Portrait Gallery

The Indianapolis Times. November 29, 1926

Set New Hiking Mark for Women

By United Press

BOSTON, Nov. 29.—A new hiking record for the forty-seven miles between Providence and this city was established today by two internationally known sports women. The time, 9 hours 53 minutes.

With five male athletes serving in relays as pace-setters, Miss Eleanora Sears, Boston society woman, and Miss Elizabeth Ryan, tennis star, covered the distance in one hour and fifteen minutes under the record established by Miss Sears last December.

The hikers, who had started from Providence at 12:55 a. m., arrived at Miss Sears' Beacon St. home at 1:48 a. m. Just to prove to the newspaper men and photographers who had gathered to greet them that they wore still fresh, Miss Sears and Miss Ryan broke into a sprint for the last fifty yards.

“I am feeling very fine, indeed,” was Miss Sears' only comment as she hurriedly followed Miss Ryan up the steps of the brown stone Sears mansion and pushed the tennis star through the half-open door.

Both women looked as though they had participated in more than a constitutional walk, however, despite their strong finish.

Set New Hiking Mark for Women The Indianapolis Times. November 29, 1926, Home Edition, Page 2.
