Portrait Gallery


Rome, March 19, 1856.
Villa Negroni.


DEAR SIR,—The enclosed photographs must be my apology for not answering before now your letter of January 16th, containing copies of correspondence with the Honorable Secretary of War, relative to the dome statue.

Upon receipt of your letter, I at once determined to remodel the design of the statue, and to combine, if possible, the grace of the original design with the lightness of the second. I read with much pleasure the letter of the Honorable Secretary, and his remarks have induced me to dispense with the “cap,” and put in its place a helmet, the crest of which is composed of an eagle's head, and a bold arrangement of feathers suggested by the costume of our Indian tribes. I have placed upon the heart of the statue the initials of our country, and the drapery is so arranged as to indicate rays of light proceeding from the letters. (See photograph annexed, marked B.)

No other explanation is necessary, unless it be to say that I think the present design more original than the previous ones, and more American. I hope the Honorable Secretary will look upon it as a proof of my desire to merit a continuation of his confidence in my abilities. I must mention that the height of this statue, from the foot to the extreme point of the feathers of the helmet, represents eighteen feet nine inches; thus exceeding (by two feet about) the height given in the last design.

The base, including the globe, is of the same proportions as drawn in Mr. Walter's plan.

I have now commenced preparations for putting up the model of the statue, and though I do not anticipate any further change in its arrangement, I may, in the course of working upon it, make some improvements, —retaining, however, the main features.

I remain, very truly,

Your obedient servant,



April 21, 1856. The third and last study is to my taste admirable, fulfilling every want. J. D.

Mr. Crawford to Capt. Meigs, Eulogy on Thomas Crawford by Thomas Hicks, 1865.(PDF)
