Portrait Gallery

A Civil War Dictionary

by Mark Mayo Boatner III

Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, United States Army

Maps and Diagrams by Major Allen C. Northrop and Lowell I. Miller


Page 524-525

McClellan's Horses.

McCLELLAN'S HORSES. Gen. McClellan favored Daniel Webster, a dark bay about 17 hands high. “That devil Dan” carried Little Mac about Washington at breakneck speed. He also had a black horse named Burns, named after an army friend who had given him the animal. Since Burns always bolted for this oats at dinnertime, no matter how important it may have been for McClellan to remain where he was, the Gen. was always careful not to ride him in the afternoon.

McClellan's Horses, A Civil War Dictionary, by Mark Mayo Boatner III, Maps and Diagrams by Major Allen C. Northrop and Lowell I. Miller, 1959, Pages 524-525. (PDF)

See also General McClellan's Horses, in A Photographic History of the Civil War, Vol. 4, 1911.
