The Indianapolis Times, April 15, 1925
Sudden Illness
Is Fatal to
Famous Painter Dies at
Home on Thames,
Near London.

By United Press
LONDON, April 15. —John Singer Sargent, the famous painter, died here today. He suffered a stroke at 3 a. m. at his home in Chelsea, on the Thames, and died a few hours later. A housekeeper, bringing a breakfast tray to Sargent’s bed, found him dead. Sargent was in perfect health yesterday and was painting in his studio most of the day. Sargent, one of the most distinguished of modern portrait painters, was born in Florence, Italy, in 1866, the son of a Boston (Mass.) physician. He was educated In England and France under some of the great masters. Including Carolus Duran. He exhibited in the Salon in 1879 and thereafter continuously in the Salon and Academy. He became an A. R. A. in 1894.
Sargent's first triumph may have come in Paris after his return from Spain in 1879. His exhibitions in America came in 1876, 1887, 1889, 1895 and 1903.
John Singer Sargent came to Indianapolis a few years before thedeath of James Whitcomb Riley, and painted a picture of the Hoosier poet now on exhibition at the John Herron Art Institute. Picture is a semi-front view and is considered as one of the best portraits of Riley in existence. There are no other paintings by Sargent owned by Indianapolis persons, it was said at the Herron Institute today.
Sudden Illness Is Fatal to Sargent, The Indianapolis Times, April 15, 1925, Home Edition.