Portrait Gallery


Heartily Approves of Peruna For the Nerves

IN a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co., Miss Julia Marlowe, of New York City, writes the following:

“I am glad to write my endorsement of the great remedy, Peruna, as a nerve tonic. I do so most, heartily,” — Julia Marlowe.

Nervousness is very common among women. This condition is due to anemic nerve centers. The nerve centers are the reservoirs of nervous vitality. These centers become bloodless for want of proper nutrition. This is especially true in the spring season. Every spring a host of invalids are produced as the direct result of weak nerves.

This can be easily obviated by using Peruna. Peruna strikes at the root of the difficulty by correcting the digestion.

Digestion furnishes nutrition for the nerve centers. Properly digested food furnishes these reservoirs of life with vitality which leads to strong, steady nerves, and thus nourishes life.

Peruna is in great favor among women, especially those who have vocations that are trying to the nerves.

Peruna furnishes the lasting vigor for the nerves that such people need.

Thousands of testimonials from women in all parts of the United States are being received every year. Such unsolicited evidence surely proves that Peruna is without an equal as a nerve tonic and a vital invigorator.

Buy a bottle of Peruna to-day. If you do not receive all the benefits from Peruna that you expected, write to Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio.

Queen of Actresses Praises Pe-Ru-Na, Advertisement in The Independent, Lincoln, Neb., May 18, 1905, Page 16.(PDF)
