Portrait Gallery

The Belfast Republican Journal, February 12, 1903.

Mildred Howells

A Novelist's Clever Daughter

Miss Mildred Howells, whose forthcoming marriage to Professor David Fairchild, entomologist of the Smithsonian institution, was recently announced, is the only daughter of William Dean Howells, the famous novelist. Like her father, Miss Howells is a genius.

Besides being a clever artist, she has written several poems of merit. She is about twenty-two years of age. Ten or twelve years ago Mr. Howells wrote the introduction and comment for a book of sketches called "A Little Girl Among the Old Masters." The little girl was his daughter, then but twelve years of age, who made the sketches while visiting the galleries of Europe.

A Novelist's Clever Daughter, The Republican Journal, Belfast, Me. February 12, 1903, Page 7.(PDF)
