Portrait Gallery


Pfeiffer Presents

James W.C. Pennington


About the second decade of the nineteenth century, a man who was destined to make impressive contributions to the progress of this race was born on a farm in Maryland. He was James W. C. Pennington—a brilliant Negro of pure African blood.

After practicing the trade of blacksmithing for some time, Pennington made a successful escape to the North. Here he applied himself with great diligence to the task of learning to read. And after mastering the minor studies, he turned his attention to theology and soon became a minister in the Presbyterian Church. His Parish was located in Hartford Connecticut.

Pennington visited Europe on several occasions, at one time remaining there three or four years preaching and lecturing. He also attended the Peace Congresses held in Paris (1849), Brussels and London. While in Germany, the University of Heidelburg conferred upon Pennington the degree of Doctor of Divinity. And on his return to the United States, he became pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, New York City. Among Dr. James Pennington’s many accomplishments was his mastery of Latin, Greek and German. For his fine mind as well as his constant striving to uplift his fellow men morally, socially and educationally, Pennington will long be honored.

Builders of History and Civilization, James W. C. Pennington, Advertisement for Pfeiffer's Beer in The Detroit Tribune, May 24, 1941, Page Eight.
