Beauregard and His Charger
General Beauregard
and his
In Four Parts
Samuel C. Upham, 310 Chestnut Street, Phila.
The Library of Congress describes Upham's fold-in narrative cartoon this way:
A folding comic puzzle in which the heads of Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard and a donkey switch bodies. An example of mass of anti-Beauregard material published in the north after the outbreak of hostilities leading to Civil War.

The side with 4 image tabs is printed on the back of the side with only 1 image. When the tabs are folded over, in turn, the story unfolds as the top half of the picture changes.
Part I.

Beauregard and his Charger meditate the attacking Federal Army.
Part II.

They hear that the Federal Army is approaching.
Part III.

The Federal Forces having arrived sooner than expected, their heads are somewhat confused.
Part IV.

The Head of the Army again in position, better than before.

Published by Samuel Upham, 310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by Samuel C. Upham, 310 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
The Adventures of General Beauregard and his Charger--In Four Parts, by Samuel C. Upham, 1861 LC-USZ62-99066.