Upham's Depilatory Powder
This Powder has been found highly beneficial and of great use to ladies who have been afflicted with superfluous hair, principally when its growth has been confined to the upper lip and side of the face, giving a masculine turn to the whole features. When used according to the directions, it will be found to be a great addition to the toilet, as the use of any sharp instrument is entirely avoided, and the hair is removed in five minutes after its application, without injury to the skin.
Price, $1 a bottle. Mailed to any address for $1.25.
Address S. C. UPHAM, No. 115 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggists
Beware of a spurious article. Ask or send for “UPHAM'S DEPILATORY POWDER,” and take no other.
None genuine without the signature, on the label of each bottle, of

Upham's Depilatory Powder, Harper's Weekly, September 26, 1868, page 624.