Japanese Hair Stain

Japanese Hair Stain
Changes the Whiskers, Moustache and Hair to a beautiful Black or Brown, without injury to the Hair or Skin. The Japanese Hair Stain, unlike a Hair Dye, consists of only one preparation; therefore no sizing or previous preparation of the hair, except washing, is required before applying the Stain, a desideratum long sought for and now first obtained.
After having applied the Stain, the hair does not require washing, as there is no sediment to be removed, as is the case with Hair Dyes. The color is more durable than that produced by any Hair Dye, as the sun improves it instead of causing it to fade, and the color cannot be removed by water.
Price, 50 Cts. a box. Sent by mail, post-paid, for 75 Cts.
Address S. C. UPHAM, No. 115 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggists.
Japanese Hair Stain, Harper's Weekly, September 26, 1868, page 624.