Portrait Gallery

Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia, by Helen W. Ridgely, 1908.

Johnson Vault - All Saints' Episcopal Graveyard.

…There are many vaults, from some of which the dead have been removed to Mt. Olivet cemetery. Here we find the names of Hanson and Johnson, besides those of Graham, McPherson and others. In one of these vaults, built entirely underground and with not enough elevation of the sod to show where it is, Thomas Johnson, the first governor of the State, is buried, with his family about him. The late Mrs. Ann Graham Ross, his great-great-granddaughter, had a pure white block of marble placed over the traditionary spot on July 4, 1894, members of the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution taking part in the ceremonies, and the Rev. Osborne Ingle reading the service from, the governor's, own prayer book. The marble is inscribed as follows:

Thomas Johnson
Born November 4, 1782;
Died November 26, 1819;
First Governor of the,
State of Maryland.

Johnson Vault, Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia, by Helen W. Ridgely, 1908, Page 160. (PDF)
