The Crisis, November 1938
Wilmeth Sidat-Singh star of the Syracuse university football team

The Cover
Last year when the Syracuse University football team went to Baltimore to play the University of Maryland, the Marylanders refused to allow Kilmeth Sidat-Singh to play and they won the game. This year when Maryland came to Syracuse, Sidat-Singh played and assisted his team-mates in trouncing Maryland by a score of 53-0.
SidatSingh stole the glory and the headlines on October 15 when, in the last three minutes of play, he threw forward passes to enable his team to overcome a big lead and defeat the Big Red team of 19-17. In this game, he threw 8 passes and completed 7. In two years of football he has completed passes which have accounted for 14 touchdowns.
On November 12, Syracuse will play Duke University of Durham, N. C., at Syracuse and Duke has agreed to play with Sidat-Singh in the lineup.
Sidat-Singh is twenty years old. He was born in Washington, D. C., the son of Elias and Pauline Webb. His father died when he was five. The boy legally adopted the name of his stepfather, Dr. Samuel Sidat-Singh, who now practices in Harlem. The lad was graduated from DeWitt Clinton high school, New York City, where he played basketball.
The Cover, The Crisis, November 1938, Volume 45, No. 11, Whole No. 335, Page 350. (PDF)